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Results of Finals at Skegness 2022

Donald Steward Derbyshire  106 V Huntingdonshire 114
Silver Jubilee Lincolnshire  84 V Norfolk  132  




                                           DONALD STEWARD – NORTHERN SECTION 2022

            Sc ore Poi nts
19 May 22 DURHAM V LINCS JACK CLARKE Pk 1.00pm  98  127   3  15 
18 May 22 DERBYS V CLEVELAND DERBY WEST END 1.30pm  142    77  18   0 
19 May 22 HUMBERSIDE V NOTTS DRIFFIELD 2.00pm  118   105  12   6 
2 Jun 22 DURHAM V HUMBERSIDE JACK CLARKE Pk 2.00pm  86  142   0  18 
6 Jun 22   CLEVELAND V NOTTS JOHN WHITEHEAD Pk 2.00pm  78  140   1  17 
8 Jun 22 LINCS V DERBYS BOULTHAM PARK 1.00pm  100  112   6  12 
16 Jun 22 NOTTS V DERBYS MANOR SPORTS 2.00pm  106  128   2  16 
16 Jun 22 HUMBERSIDE V LINCS DRIFFIELD 2.00pm 136 94 16  2
24 Jun 22 CLEVELAND V DURHAM JOHN WHITEHEAD Pk 2.00pm  134   93   16   2
30 Jun 22 LINCS V NOTTS BOULTHAM PARK 1.00pm  101  114   4  14 
30 Jun 22 DERBYS V DURHAM DERBY WEST END 1.30pm 117 104  12  6
6 Jul 22 CLEVELAND V HUMBERSIDE JOHN WHITEHEAD Pk 2.00pm 122 105  16  2
14 Jul 22 DERBYS V HUMBERSIDE DERBY WEST END 2.00pm 126 91 14   4 
14 Jul 22 NOTTS V DURHAM MANOR SPORTS 2.00pm 140 89 16   2 
20 Jul 22 LINCS V CLEVELAND BOULTHAM PARK 1.00pm 104 131   4   14  


DS - North         Rink Shots Shots Shot TOTAL
  P W D L Pts For Against Diff PTS
Derbyshire 5 5 0 0 32 625 478 147 72
Nottinghamshire 5 3 0 2 31 605 514 91 55
Humberside 5 3 0 2 28 592 533 59 52
Cleveland 5 3 0 2 23 542 584 -42 47
Lincolnshire 5 1 0 4 23 526 591 -65 31
Durham 5 0 0 5 13 470 660 -190 13




19 May 22 HUMBERSIDE V NOTTS DRIFFIELD 2.00pm  105 114    4  14 
6 Jun 22 CLEVELAND V NOTTS JOHN W PARK 2.00pm  108 107   12   6 
16 Jun 22 HUMBERSIDE V LINCS DRIFFIELD 2.00pm  107 132   3 15 
30 Jun 22 LINCS V NOTTS MIDLAND RAILWAY 1.00pm  114 102  14 4
6 Jul 22 CLEVELAND V HUMBERSIDE JOHN W PARK 2.00pm   98 118   5 13 
20 Jul 22 LINCS V CLEVELAND MIDLAND RAILWAY 1.00pm  140  95   18   0 


SJV – North         Rink Shots Shots Shot TOTAL
  P W D L Pts For Against Diff PTS
Lincolnshire 3 3 0 0 23 386 304 82 47
Nottinghamshire 3 1 0 2 16 323 327 -4 24
Humberside 3 1 0 2 12 330 344 -14 20
Cleveland 3 1 0 2 9 301 365 -64 17




16 May 22 NORFOLK V NORTHANTS ACLE 1.00pm  124  92   16  2 
18 May 22 NTH, CAMBS V NTH ESSEX MARCH TOWN 1.00pm  106 120    6  12 
18 May 22 SUFFOLK V HUNTS KESSINGLAND 1.00pm  110 106   11   7 
NEEDINGWORTH 1.00pm 114 104   16   2 
1 Jun 22 NTH CAMBS V NORTHANTS MARCH TOWN 1.00pm  111   99   14   4 
1 Jun 22 SUFFOLK V NTH ESSEX KESSSINGLAND ? 1.00pm  138   81  18 0
13 Jun 22 NORFOLK V NTH CAMBS ACLE 1.00pm  156   80   18   0 
14 Jun 22 NTH ESSEX V HUNTS CORNARD BC 1.00pm 110 113   4 14 
15 Jun 22 NORTHANTS V SUFFOLK CITY OF PETERBOROUGH 1.00pm  96  127   3 15 
28 Jun 22 NTH ESSEX V NORTHANTS CORNARD BC 1.00pm 120  106  14 4
29 Jun 22 SUFFOLK V NORFOLK KESSSINGLAND 1.00pm  88  124   6 12 
30 Jun 22 HUNTS V NTH. CAMBS NEEDINGWORTH 1.00pm 120  109  14 4
12 Jul 22 NTH ESSEX V NORFOLK CORNARD BC 1.00pm 101  150   3 15 
13 Jul 22 NTH. CAMBS V SUFFOLK MARCH TOWN 1.00pm 99  123   6 12  
13 Jul 22 NORTHANTS V HUNTS CITY OF PETERBOROUGH 1.00pm 76  85  4 14 


DS - South         Rink Shots Shots Shot TOTAL
  P W D L Pts For Against Diff PTS
Huntingdonshire 5 4 0 1 33 538 509 29 65
Norfolk 5 4 0 1 31 658 475 183 63
Suffolk 5 4 0 1 30 586 506 80 62
North Essex 5 2 0 3 17 532 613 -81 33
North Cambs 5 1 0 4 22 505 618 -113 30
Northants 5 0 0 5 17 469 567 -98 17




16 May 22 NORFOLK V NORTHANTS MARTHAM 1.00pm 147   83  16   2 
18 May 22 SUFFOLK V HUNTS HALESWORTH 1.00pm 140   92  16   2 
SOMERSHAM 1.00pm        
15 Jun 22 NORTHANTS V SUFFOLK BROADWAY BC, YAXLEY 1.00pm  88  112   4  14 
29 Jun 22 SUFFOLK V NORFOLK HALESWORTH 1.00pm 113  121  5 13 
13 Jul 22 NORTHANTS V HUNTS BROADWAY BC, YAXLEY 1.00pm 75 100  4 14 


SJV – South         Rink Shots Shots Shot TOTAL
  P W D L Pts For Against Diff PTS
Norfolk 3 3 0 0 23 379 283 96 47
Suffolk 3 2 0 1 19 365 301 64 35
Huntingdonshire 3 1 0 2 8 279 326 -47 16
Northants 3 0 0 3 10 246 359 -113 10


An option to follow results 

Match results will be frequently posted to the three pages, namely Adams/Newton/U25; Donald Steward/SJV & Durham Centenary. Updates may be soon after a match has finished but it is not gaurenteed.

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