Messages from the 2023 Presidents


EWBF - Elaine Haddon-Holmes


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The request to Derbyshire to nominate someone to become EWBF National President came around sooner than expected. I was honoured and delighted to accept the nomination from my County.

I come from a sporting background and played many sports throughout the years. It was by pure chance that in 1998 I started playing bowls never expecting to become a County Official let alone EWBF National President.

My journey to this point, has been supported by my County, Derbyshire, my club, The Stute and together with the help and encouragement I have received from all the National Officers I am sure that I will be able to perform my duties to the best of my ability. I thank them for their support.

I hope to visit as many Counties as possible during the year, meeting up with old friends and making new friendships along the way. Also attending the National Finals at Lincoln and Skegness.

I look forward to working with Irene Ballam (Deputy President), BedgeBerresford (Junior Deputy) and my male colleagues: President Ian Bratton, Trevor Flatt (Deputy President) and David Thomas (Junior Deputy),

Elaine Haddon-Holmes
EWBF President 2023



 EBF -  Ian Bratton

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Fellow, Officers, Bowlers and Friends

It is both an honour and a privilege to take up the role of your National President.

My thanks go to Humberside and my own club Springhead Park for their continued support.

Our beloved sport of Bowls is facing difficult times ahead, but I do believe if we all look forward in a spirit of co-operation, mutual respect and with a sympathetic ear to one anothers problems and concerns we will get through these difficult times together.

In my year as President I hope to attend as many matches as possible and to watch all of the Counties play at least once.On my journey around the Counties I would appreciate any donations, no matter how small…or large, to The Dove House Hospice.

I am looking forward to working with my team of Trevor and David and I would also like to wish Ladies President Elaine and her team of Irene and Beryl every success in the coming year which I am sure will be a most enjoyable one.

I would like to thank Trevor and Paula for the way they carried out the Presidents role last year as well as all of the other officers and officials at National, County and Club level who give up much of their time to keep Bowls alive.

All being well I hope to see many of you at Potters, Lincoln, Skegness or on my travels in the coming year.

In the meantime have a great year of Bowling .

Best Wishes
Ian Bratton

President, English Bowling Federation 2023