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 To E.B.F.


East Lindsey District Council has for many years supported and financed the bowling offer in Skegness, the only bowling venue in the district to have received this level of support, however the council feels that the best way forward is for these types of facilities to be managed and run by the people using the facilities, they clearly know what is best for this type of facility to thrive and develop, to this end for several years I have been trying to find a long term solution which would see a local group, business or bowling organisation take over the ownership and running of the greens and infrastructure.


There now seems to be a local organisation emerging which could take on this role and the council would like to work with this organisation to secure the future of this area in providing a bowling offer.


The council working with this group, would look to invest in the infrastructure, with the possibility of a yearly grant, reducing over time, until the group has a firm management and fiscal structure, I would hope that this can be achieved within the next 12 months.


I hope this gives the bowling clubs comfort in the sustainability of the Greens, the council wishes to see this succeed but does not see its future as being the organisation running the Greens.


If there is anything further that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards, Graham


Graham Marsh
Member for Alford Ward
Deputy Leader and Executive Member