22July24 - Pages being updated.

The Constitution & Rules are being amended to reflect the decisions of the Nov'23 AGM. These warning messages will be removed once changes have completed & been reviewed.

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National Delegate Council

National Executive Committee

Finance Committee

Tour Committee

Finals Committee

Voting Rights

English Bowls Umpires Federation

Life Membership

Vice Presidents

Annual General Meeting

Special General Meeting

Order of Debate

Constitutional Powers




Changes from joint AGM Nov23 are shown in RED


1.1 The Federation shall be called 'The English Bowling Federation' (hereinafter called the 'Federation').

1.2 The Federation shall operate in conjunction with the English Women's Bowling Federation, which said body shall maintain its own identity.

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The Objects of the Federation shall be:

2.1 To promote, foster, and safeguard the flat-green game of bowls.

2.2 To formulate and adopt Rules and Laws of the Game for the regulation of the game generally.

2.3 To arrange such inter-county bowling association championship games as the Federation, in General Meeting, shall from time to time decide.

2.4 To produce annually an official Year-Book: photographs and other material for inclusion in the Year-Book shall be forwarded to the Secretary so as to reach him no later than the 31st December; it shall be the responsibility of each Federation Championship winner to forward a suitable photograph for printing; in the case of a county bowling association team championship the responsibility for forwarding a photograph of the winning team shall fall upon the county bowling association honorary secretary.

2.5  Every Club affiliated to an E.B.F.or to an E.W.B.F. county bowling association shall purchase, through that association, at least two copies of the current Year-Book. Mixed Clubs whose male members are affiliated to an E.B.F. county bowling association and whose female members are affiliated to the same E.W.B.F.County bowling association must purchase a minimum of two copies of the current Year-Book.

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 3.1 Full membership of the Federation shall be open to county bowling associations in England. Individual bowling clubs outside England whose greens and methods of play conform to the requirements set-out in the Laws of the Game are eligible to become Associate-Members of the Federation.

3.2 Applications for membership shall be put before an appropriate General Meeting and decided by a simple majority of the votes cast.

3.3 County bowling association secretaries shall be required every year to prepare and submit (on Forms to be supplied) details of affiliated clubs and memberships thereof within their respective counties: all members other than social members shall be included regardless of whether those members enter Federation competitions.

3.4.1 The Federation, through its principle of Single Administration of the Federation and the English Women's Bowling Federation, encourages the concept of Mixed Clubs.

3.4.2 A Mixed Club is a club whose male members are affiliated to an EBF county bowling association and whose female members are affiliated to the same EWBF county bowling association.

3.4.3 Such mixed clubs shall be governed by an executive or management committee, which, by its constitution, may be composed of both male and female members.

3.4.4 For the purpose of both county bowling association and national representation, each mixed club may wish to appoint both a male and a female Federation representative secretary.
3.4.5. For the purpose of mixed competitions, a mixed club shall be regarded as the same club.

3.5 Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults

The English Bowling Federation and English Women’s Bowling Federation recognise and acknowledge their joint and several responsibilities to establish policies which promote and encourage their affiliated counties and clubs to adopt the highest possible standards of care towards children and other vulnerable people participating in the Game of Bowls.

We believe that everyone has a duty of care towards the children and other vulnerable people with whom they have contact, and to safeguard and protect them from abuse. This is both a moral and legal obligation. Everybody, whether administrator, official, coach, or bowler, involved in working with children, young people and the vulnerable adults has a responsibility to be informed about, and be able to recognise the different forms of abuse. They also need to know what precautions or steps should be taken for its prevention and what action to take if an incident occurs.

In doing so it offers help and advice to Affiliated Clubs and Associations, who are introducing procedures for child protection in their own locality; it will also seek feedback on their experiences.

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 4.1     A condition of membership of any county shall be the annual payment by each member of the annual county affiliation fee, and any constituent club of a county bowling association shall be the annual payment by each club of the club management levy, and each member of the current per Capita levy of the English Bowling Federation or the English Woman’s Bowling Federation, regardless of whether or not that member plays in Federation competitions.   Each County Bowling Federation shall pay such sums as The National Executive Committee of the English Bowling Federation shall determine within one calendar month of the issue of any invoice.

4.1.1. The Affiliation year for a County and a Club commences on the day following the Annual General Meeting, and the appropriate fees are due from this date.

4.1.2. The Per Capita fee is retrospective, and relates to the number of members a club declared on the Annual Return dated 31st August previous to the AGM; and the appropriate fees are applicable as per paragraph 1.

4.1.3. A new Club wishing to affiliate will be immediately liable for the appropriate Club levy, but not the Per Capita.

Invoices will be issued in accordance with the following schedule (EBF and EWBF) except where indicated.

Invoice 1    issued 31st Dec.                          County affiliation fee

                                                                Club Management Levy

                                                                Per Capita Levy

                                                                Indoor Team entry fee, match levy, Umpire levy (EBF/E.W.B.F.)

Invoice 2    issued 28th Feb                          Indoor Individual competition entries

                                                                Annual Year books

Invoice 3   issued   31st March                      Outdoor team entry fee, match levy, Umpire fees

                                                                Outdoor individual competition entries

                                                                Durham Centenary (EBF)

Invoice 4 issued at Newark                           Newark  - swingers  etc 

Invoice 5 issued at Skegness                       Skegness - swingers etc


And any such other sums as the National Executive Committee shall determine.

Any county bowling association failing to pay the sums due, as outlined in the above, within 14 days of the prescribed date shall forfeit all privileges of membership of the appropriate Federation for so long as any sums remain unpaid. 

4.2 Accounts shall be made up to 30th September each year. 

4.3. Accounts shall be audited by Auditor(s) to be elected at each Annual General Meeting 

4.4. An audited Account of Income and Expenditure for the year must be presented to the Annual General Meeting. 

4.5 A Treasurer shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee at an honorarium mutually agreed and reviewed in September annually by the committee. The treasurer will have full voting rights on all committees.


4.6 The Treasurer shall be responsible for all receipts and payments in respect of the Federation and the English Women’s Bowling Federation.           

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 5.1 A Secretary shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee at a salary mutually agreed and reviewed in September annually by that committee. However, if at any time the appointment of a salaried secretary is not viable, the NEC shall decide how best to manage the affairs of the Federation.

5.2 The Secretary shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and sub-committees, and shall have no voting rights in his capacity as Secretary.

5.3 Administration of the Federation and the English Women's Bowling Federation shall be through the Secretary of the Federation, who shall communicate directly with the Presidents and county bowling association secretaries of both bodies, and with the Honorary Secretary of the English Women's Bowling Federation.

5.4 The Honorary Secretary of the English Women's Bowling Federation shall be responsible for the organisation of the English Women's Bowling Federation Individual Competitions up to and including county bowling association finals, and the teams championships up to and including the determination of the sections winners.

5.5 The following E.W.B.F. Officers shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting. President, Deputy–President, Junior Deputy-President and Honorary Secretary. The Junior Deputy-President to be nominated annually by the affiliated county bowling associations and will automatically succeed to the office of Deputy-President the following year and to the office of President twelve months later. Nominations from any E.W.B.F. County to be submitted to the E.W.B.F. by the 31st July. In the event of more than one nominee the Junior Deputy-President will be selected by the E.W.B.F. Delegate Council under the current County rotation order, Lincolnshire, Cleveland, Norfolk, North Essex, Northamptonshire, Durham, Northumberland, Suffolk, Nottinghamshire, Huntingdonshire, North Cambridgeshire, Derbyshire, Humberside.

5.6 A Delegate Council of the English Women’s Bowling Federation, shall be appointed consisting of the President, Deputy President, Junior deputy President, Immediate Past President, Honorary Secretary, and Safeguarding and Welfare Officer (if appropriate), together with one representative from each county bowling association (substitute representatives may attend). (See also 13.3 regarding Life members); each member shall have one vote, eight members shall form a quorum.

  This Council shall meet prior to the Annual General Meeting to discuss the Agenda and Notices of Motion, and to determine voting priorities; additional meetings of the committee may be called if necessary, by the President and Honorary Secretary of the English Women’s Bowling Federation in consultation.
5.7 The following E.B.F. officers shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting: President, Deputy-President, Junior Deputy-President and Chairman. The Junior Deputy-President, to be nominated annually by the affiliated county bowling associations in rotation, will automatically succeed to the office of Deputy-President the following year and to the office of President twelve months later. The following shall be the order of rotation: - Northamptonshire, Cleveland, Nottinghamshire, North Essex, Suffolk, Durham, Northumberland, North Cambridgeshire, Derbyshire, Huntingdonshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Humberside.

5.8 New affiliated county bowling associations will be inserted into the list in  5.5 and 5.7 above immediately prior to the county bowling association entitled to nominate the Junior-Deputy-President at the next Annual General Meeting.

5.9 ‘The National Executive Committee may, at its first meeting following its election at each Annual General Meeting, appoint the following officers’:-

(i).    Honorary Assistant Secretary

(ii).   Vice Chairman

(iii).  Honorary Tournament / Championship Directors

(iv).   Safeguarding and Welfare Officer

5.10 Nominations for all offices other than the Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Safeguarding and Welfare Officer, Presidents and Deputy Presidents shall be in the hands of the national Secretary 28 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting for inclusion on the Agenda.

5.11 The Secretary shall keep a record of business transacted at all meetings.

5.12 A joint Appeal Committee of the English Bowling Federation and the English Women's Bowling Federation shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee, consisting of the President, Chairman. and Secretary of the English Bowling Federation and the President and Honorary Secretary of the English Women's Bowling Federation, with powers to determine appeals by individuals from disciplinary decisions of constituent county bowling associations and to generally review and advise upon decisions of those associations.

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6.1 The National Delegate Council shall consist of President, Deputy President, Junior Deputy President, Chairman, Immediate Past President, one representative from the English Bowls Umpires Federation, Honorary Assistant Secretary if appointed), Publicity Officer (if appointed), and Safeguarding and Welfare Officer (if appropriate), and one representative from each county bowling association. (Substitute representative may attend) (See also 13.3 regarding Life Members).

6.2 Each member shall have one vote.

6.3 Nine members shall form a quorum.

6.4 The National Delegate Council shall meet on the first Sunday of October - and on such other occasions as may be necessary to fulfil its functions.

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7.1 The National Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Deputy President, Junior Deputy President and Chairman of the Federation, the President, Deputy President, Junior Deputy President and Honorary Secretary of the English Women’s Bowling Federation, the E.B.U.F Secretary and the Safeguarding and Welfare Officer together with one member of the National Delegates Council and one member of the Delegates Council elected at each Annual General Meeting

7.2 This committee shall have full executive powers.

7.3 The committee shall have power to co-opt any person(s) having special skills, knowledge, experience or expertise which it considers desirable. Such co-opted members shall not have power to vote.

7.4 Six members shall form a quorum.

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8.1 The Finance committee shall consist of Treasurer, Chairman, EWBF and EBF Secretaries.

8.2 The committee shall act in an advisory capacity, but may, at the discretion of the National Executive Committee, be given executive powers.

8.3 The main terms of reference of this committee shall be considered to be the forward planning of Federation finances. As soon as possible after the Annual General Meeting the Finance Committee will prepare a budget of income and expenditure for the following year.

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9.1 The Federation shall encourage an annual Tour.

9.2 A Tour Committee responsible for the annual Tour shall consist of the President, Deputy President, Chairman, Honorary Tour Secretary/Treasurer and the President, Deputy-President and Honorary Secretary of the English Women's Bowling Federation. The committee shall have power to co-opt.

9.3 The Tour shall be self-financing.

9.4 At the conclusion of each Tour the Tour Honorary Secretary/Treasurer shall prepare a Statement of Account and distribute copies to the National Delegate Council and all Tour participants.

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10.1 The Finals committee shall be elected at a meeting of the National Executive Committee, and shall consist of five members, one of whom shall be nominated by the National Executive committee to act as Chairman together with the Honorary Secretary of the English Women's Bowling Federation.

10.2 Two or three elected officers, together with the Honorary Tournament and Championship Director, shall constitute the Finals Programming sub-committee.

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11.1 Except as otherwise stated in this Constitution voting shall be that at any committee or sub-committee meeting each member is entitled to one vote only, except that in the case of equality of votes the chairman of that committee shall have a second (or casting) vote.

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12.1 The English Bowling Federation, having created and established the English Bowls Umpires' Federation, shall encourage and foster that body; the English Bowls Umpires' Federation for its part shall, by its actions, demonstrate that it is worthy of such encouragement and fostering.

12.2 The English Bowls Umpires’ Federation shall conduct its own affairs, subject to its ultimate responsibility for those affairs to the English Bowling Federation.

12.3 The constitution and standing orders of the EBUF and any amendment thereof shall be of no effect until it has the approval and confirmation of the National Executive Committee of the EBF.

12.4 The English Bowls Umpires’ Federation shall have a representative on the National Executive Committee and National Delegate Council of the English Bowling Federation.

12.5 The Presidents of the English Bowling Federation and the English Women's Bowling Federation shall, during their terms of office, be ex-officio members of the English Bowls Umpires' Federation.

12.6 The English Bowling Federation shall have a representative on the committee of the English Bowls Umpires’ Federation, but with no power to vote.

12.7 The Honorary Secretary of the English Bowls Umpires' Federation shall submit an annual written report of the work of that Federation to the Annual General Meeting of the English Bowling Federation not less than 28 days before the date of that Annual General Meeting.

12.8 The Honorary Secretary of the English Bowls Umpires' Federation shall submit to the National Executive Committee of the English Bowling Federation a copy of the minutes of each committee meeting within 21 days of the date of such meeting.

12.9 The Honorary Treasurer of the English Bowls Umpires’ Federation shall present to the English Bowls Umpires’ Federation Annual General Meeting a precise account of the income and expenditure to the 30th day of September, audited and signed by the professional auditor appointed by the English Bowling Federation; a copy of that account, so audited, shall be delivered forthwith to the Secretary of the English Bowling Federation, who shall arrange for it to be published in the ensuing English Bowling Federation Year-Book.

12.10 Any request by the Honorary Treasurer of the English Bowls Umpires' Federation for financial assistance shall be made to the National Executive Committee of the English Bowling Federation. The National Executive Committee of the English Bowling Federation, in determining the level of financial assistance to be granted to the English Bowls Umpires' Federation, shall disregard members' subscriptions and any genuine donations it receives.

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13.1 Life-Membership may be granted to certain individuals of the English Bowling Federation and English Women's Bowling Federation who, by reason of loyal service or other meritorious action, are recommended by the National Delegate Council (EBF) or Delegate Council (EWBF) to be deserving of this honour.

13.2 Nominations for Life-Membership shall be approved by either the National Delegate Council (EBF) or Delegate Council (EWBF) before being placed  before the Annual General Meeting.
13.3 Life-Members may attend meetings of the appropriate National Delegate Council (EBF) or Delegate Council (EWBF) and the  Annual General Meetings with power to speak but not to vote.

13.4 Life-Members shall be presented with the appropriate Certificate and be entitled to wear the Federation Blazer-Badge and Life-Member Flash.

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14.1 The Federation encourages the election of Vice-Presidents. Candidates for election shall apply to the National Secretary and be proposed, seconded, and elected by the National Executive Committee: such election shall subsequently be confirmed at the Annual General Meeting.

14.2 Each Vice-President shall pay such minimum annual subscription as the National Executive Committee shall from time to time decide.

14.3 A Vice-President is in no way entitled to any voting-powers or executive status.

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15.1 The Joint Annual Meeting shall be held at a venue to be confirmed on the third Saturday of November of each year and will consider Notices of Motion submitted by EBF & EWBF County bowling associations

15.2 Notices of Meeting and copies of the Meeting Agenda shall be distributed to all affiliated county bowling associations at least 14 days before the Meeting is held.

15.3 Each affiliated county bowling association shall be entitled to send two delegates to the Annual General Meeting with power to vote.

15.4 Any office-holder of the Federation shall not be able to act in a dual capacity. Under such circumstances he would be entitled to one vote only other than the chairman's second (or casting) vote.

15.5 Any county bowling association sending less than two delegates shall be entitled to votes equal to the number of delegates present.

15.6 The following officers shall have power to vote at the Annual General Meeting Presidents, Deputy Presidents, Junior Deputy-Presidents, Treasurer, Chairman, and the immediate Past-Presidents, the E.B.U.F Secretary and the Safeguarding and Welfare Officer together with Honorary Secretary of the English Women's Bowling Federation.

15.7 The officer taking the chair shall, in case of equality of votes, have a second (or casting) vote.

15.8 The formula for deciding a quorum shall be the number of affiliated county bowling associations, multiplied by the number of delegates each county bowling association is entitled to send, divided by 2 plus one other -  e g 26 (counties) x2 (delegates) = 52 divided by 2 plus 1 = 27.. In calculating whether or not a quorum exists the presence at the Meeting of officers and Life-Members shall be ignored.

15.9 Notices of Motion to be considered by the Annual General Meeting may be submitted by the county bowling associations and the National Executive Committee, and must be received by the Secretary not less than 56 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting. County bowling associations and the National Executive Committee may also submit Amendments to those Motions.

15.10 Notices of Motion and Amendments by county bowling associations must be seconded from the floor by another county bowling association before being put to the vote.

15.11 The Secretary shall circulate to all affiliated county bowling associations details of such Notices of Motion received by him in accordance with paragraph 15.10 at least 42 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

15.12  Any county bowling association wishing to amend any of the Notices of Motion circulated to it in accordance with paragraph 15.11 above shall, not less than 28 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, give notice in writing to the Secretary and to all county bowling association secretaries of its intention so to do indicating in such notice the wording of the amendment.

15.13  Not less than 14 days before the Annual General Meeting the Secretary shall give notice of the Meeting to the affiliated county bowling associations, and with such Notice shall indicate to the county bowling associations the final Agenda for the Meeting showing the Amendments, if any, of which notice has been given.

15.14  Notices of Motion, and Amendments circulated in accordance with paragraph 15.13, shall be permitted.

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16.1 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the National Executive Committee and, where it certifies the subject matter to be a case of urgency, shall be called within fourteen days by the Secretary on receipt of a written request from two affiliated county bowling associations so to do, such request to be signed on behalf of each county bowling association by a properly authorised official.

16.2 The Secretary shall give 28 days' notice of such Special General Meeting and shall with such notice state what business is to be discussed.

16.3 At any Special General Meeting only the business of which notice has been given in accordance with these provisions shall be discussed.

16.4 At a Special General Meeting any county may record its votes by post. Such postal votes, indicating the number of votes cast for and/or against the Resolution or Resolutions to be put before the Meeting shall be valid only if signed by two properly authorised officers of the county concerned, and received by the Secretary at least 7 days before the date of the Special General Meeting.

16.5 In all other respects the procedure for voting at a Special General Meeting shall be as at an Annual General Meeting.
16.6 In calculating a quorum the existence of postal votes shall be taken into account.

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at any meeting the following rule shall apply:-

17.1 Only one speaker may speak at any time.

17.2 All members must stand when speaking, and address the Chairman.

17.3 A member wishing to speak must state his or her name and the name of the County Bowling Association he or she represents or the office he or she holds.

17.4 A member may speak once only on any Motion, although the proposer of a Motion has the final right of reply.

17.5 Motions for the closure - e g. "that the question be now put" if properly seconded, shall be voted upon immediately.

17.6 Each Motion must be proposed and seconded before discussion is allowed.

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18.1 The Federation may, in General Meeting, make such rules and regulations for the conduct of its Business, Constitution, Rules, Laws of the Game, or Competitions as it may from time to time decide.

18.2  A majority vote is required for any addition or amendment to the Constitution, Rules or Laws of the Game.