Changes for 2020 shown in RED


Please click on the appropriate section below:-
Executive Committee
Life Membership
Annual General Meeting
Special General Meeting
Constitutional Powers
Standing Orders
Dress for Inter-County Matches
National Finals



1.1 This body shall be called the 'English Bowls Umpires' Federation' (hereinafter called the ‘E.B.U.F.’).

1.2 The English Bowling Federation (hereinafter called the ‘E.B.F.’), having created and established the E.B.U.F. shall encourage and foster that body; the E.B.U.F. for its part shall, by its actions, demonstrate that it is worthy of such encouragement and fostering

1.3 The E.B.U.F. shall conduct its own domestic affairs, subject to its ultimate responsibility for those

affairs to the E.B.F.

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2 OBJECTS - The objects of the E.B.U.F. shall be:-


2.1 To hold periodic examinations of candidates to become qualified umpire/ markers.

2.2 To hold periodic examination of candidates to become qualified club markers.

2.3 To require any umpire who is non-active in Inter - County or National umpiring or marking duties for a period of 2 years or more and who wishes to resume such duties to sit a written question paper on the current Rules and Laws of the Game. Candidates would need to achieve the required pass mark to return to active duty.

2.4 On receipt of a written complaint being upheld concerning an Umpires ability to carry out the role of Umpire / Marker efficiently and correctly, said person shall be re-examined on the practical aspects of the role by an EBUF Examiner. If the Umpire / Marker is unable to carry out the duties effectively their membership will be suspended or terminated subject to any further assessment.

2.5 To provide qualified umpires for games of bowls played under the jurisdiction of the E.B.F. or of the English Women's Bowling Federation (hereinafter called the ‘E.W.B.F.’)

2.5 To consult with the E.B.F and the E.W.B.F on the "Laws of the Game" and amendments thereto.

2.6 To give guidance on the "Laws of the Game"

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3.1 Membership of the E.B.U.F. shall be open to umpires qualified by passing an examination organised by the E.B.U.F. The right of membership shall be at the discretion of the Executive Committee of the E.B.U.F.

3.2 The Presidents of the E.B.F. and the E.W.B.F. shall, during their term of office be ex-officio members of the E.B.U.F.

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4.1 The Honorary Treasurer shall keep a precise account of the income and expenditure to the 30th day of September, and shall present it, duly audited and signed by a competent person, to the EBUF Annual General Meeting. A copy of that account, so audited shalt be delivered forthwith to the Secretary of the E B.F who shall arrange for it to be presented to the Annual General Meeting of the E.B.F. and subsequently published in the E.B.F. Yearbook.

4.2 Any request by the Honorary Treasurer of the E.B.U.F. for financial assistance shall be made to National Executive Committee of the E.B.F.

4.3 The National Executive Committee of the E B F, in determining the level of financial assistance to be given to the E B U F shall disregard member’s subscriptions and any genuine donations.

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5.1 The following officers of the E.B.U.F. shall be elected and appointed at the Annual General Meeting: -

Chairman, Deputy-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer together with an Examination officer for each of the Northern, Midland and Southern Areas.

5.2 The Honorary Secretary shall keep a record of all-business transacted at the Annual General Meeting, and at all meetings of the Executive Committee'

5.3 The Honorary Secretary shall submit an annual written report to the Annual General Meeting of the E.B.F. not less than 28 days before the date of that Annual General Meeting

5.4 The Honorary Secretary shall submit to the National Executive Committee of the E.B.F. minutes of each Executive Committee meeting within 21 days of the date of such meeting.

5.5 The E.B.U.F may appoint a representative to the National Delegate Council of the E.B.F. Such representative will have the power to speak but shall have a vote which is restricted to matters which fall directly within his sphere of office.

5.6 A working party consisting of the Chairman, Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer

of the E.B.F. and the Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer of the E.B.U.F. shall meet as and when required to consider matters of mutual concern.

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6.1 The Executive committee of the E.B.U.F. shall be composed of qualified umpires;

it shall consist of the elected and appointed officers.

6.2 The Presidents of the E.B.F. and of the E.W.B.F. shall, during their term of office, be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

6.3 Four members of the Executive Committee shall form a quorum

6.4 The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt persons to the Committee to fill vacancies occurring among the officers between Annual General Meetings.

6.5 The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice a year and shall deal with the affairs of the E.B.U.F. excepting matters of principle or policy which shall be dealt with at a General Meeting.

6.6 Any Officeholder or Life Member who holds more than one position within the E.B.U.F. may vote

only once on any issue.

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7.1 Life Membership may be conferred on members of the E B U F who, by loyal service or other meritorious action, are recommended by the Executive Committee to be deserving of that honour.

7.2 Life Members may attend the Annual General Meeting with power to speak and vote.


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8.1 The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the first Sunday in November each year

8.2 Notices of Motion to be considered at the Annual General Meeting must be received, in writing, by the Honorary Secretary not less than 56 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

8.3 The Honorary Secretary shall circulate to all members details of Notices of Motion received by him in accordance with article 8 2 at least 42 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

8.4 Any member wishing to amend a Notice of Motion circulated in accordance with Article 8.3 shall, not less than 28 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary of his intention so to do, indicating in such notice the wording of the amendment.

8.5 Any member wishing to nominate an officeholder shall, not less than 28 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, give notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary of that nomination

8.6 A notice of the Annual General Meeting including Notices of Motion and Amendments received by the Honorary Secretary and any other business to be transacted, together with details of written nominations received for the Election of office-holders, shall be circulated by the Honorary Secretary to members at least 14 days before the Meeting is held.

8.7 Only Motions and Amendments circulated in-accordance with Article 8 6 shall be permitted, and no further amendments may be made, at the Annual General Meeting.

8.8 Notices of Motion, Amendments of Motions and Nominations of Officeholders must be seconded at the Annual General Meeting before being spoken to or voted upon.

8.9 Notices of Motion emanating from the E.B.U.F. on any matter other than a domestic one shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting of the E.B.F. through the National Executive Committee of that body.

8.10 Any Officeholder or Life Member who holds more than one position within the E.B.U.F. may vote only once on any issue.

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9.1 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time by the Executive Committee and where it certifies the subject matter to be a case of urgency, it shall be called within 14 days by the Honorary Secretary on receipt of a written request signed by ten members.

9.2 The Honorary Secretary shall give 28 days notice of such Special General Meeting and shall with such notice state what business is to be discussed.

9.3 At any Special General Meeting only he business of which notice has been given in accordance with Article 9.2 of the Constitution shall be discussed.

9.4 In all other respects the procedure for voting at a Special General Meeting shall be the same as at an Annual General Meeting.

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10.1 Amendments to the Constitution and standing orders may only be proposed at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.

10.2 Any Notice of Motion to amend the Constitution and standing orders must be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary at least 56 days before the Annual General Meeting or 28 days before a Special General Meeting.

10.3 The constitution and standing orders of the E.B.U.F. and any amendment thereof shall be of no effectuntil it has the approval and confirmation of the National Executive Committee of the E.B.F.

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1. Members of the Executive Committee attending management meetings and umpires on duty may claim travelling expenses at rates stipulated by the National Executive Committee of the English Bowling Federation.

2. The Executive Committee of the E.B.U.F shall have power to cease membership. The said member if he or she wishes may appeal to the National Executive Committee of the English Bowling Federation.

3. The annual subscriptions shall be decided at the AGM.

4. All such payments of subscriptions shall be payable by the 31st December in the year of the AGM.

5. Any member who is not in possession of a current Umpires Membership Card may not officiate at any match.

6. Any member fails the examinations twice will not be permitted to take them again.

7. On receipt of a written complaint against an umpire received by the EBUF Chairman/Secretary the umpire in question must be informed in writing of the date and nature of the complaint, requesting his or her version of the complaint. This is also to be in writing. Should the umpire’s version conflict with the original complaint: he/she should be observed at the next match. If the observers report is complimentary, no further action will be taken, and the county involved will be notified in writing. Any umpire, whose complaint against them is upheld, will be requested to retake both written and practical examinations, which should include if possible, the fault in the complaint. The umpire in question should be suspended from active duty pending the outcome of the re-test. Should the umpire refuse to take the re-test, he/she will be withdrawn from the active county list and informed accordingly in writing.

8. Umbrellas are not permitted on the green whilst umpiring or marking.

9. All members of the EBUF officiating at inter county matches and national or county finals must be members of an affiliated EBF/EWBF club.

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An Official coloured EBUF Umpires shirt which may be worn with or without a Royal Blue Fleece, an official coloured EBUF windproof/showerproof jacket, Royal Blue or Black Blazer or Waterproofs.


A white or cream shirt with collar and sleeves and E.B.U.F. Tie. This must be worn under the Royal Blue Fleece, Royal Blue or Black Blazer or Waterproofs.


White or Cream Trousers with a white belt or braces (braces if worn must be covered), white underwear, white socks and white bowls shoes.

White or Blue waterproof tops may be worn.


Optional wear –

1. Either a white cap or hat (a hat must have an EBUF hatband attached), or an Official blue EBUF baseball cap.

2. An Official badged royal blue belt bag to carry markers equipment.



An Official coloured EBUF Umpires shirt which may be worn with or without the Royal Blue Fleece, an official coloured EBUF windproof/showerproof jacket, Royal Blue, White or Cream Blazer or Waterproofs.


A white or cream shirt with collar and sleeves. This must be worn under the Royal Blue Fleece, Royal Blue, White or Cream Blazer or Waterproofs.


Either White/Cream Trousers (not cropped) (as supplied by a bowls wear retailer) or White/Cream REGULATION length skirt, plain white underwear, white socks with trousers or light brown stockings or tights with a skirt and white bowls shoes.

Optional wear –

1. A Hat, which if worn it must be a recognized Ladies bowls hat with EBUF hatband or an Official blue EBUF baseball cap.

2. An Official badged royal blue belt bag to carry markers equipment.

3. An EBUF tie.







1. As for Inter County Matches and County Finals.


2. A Royal Blue Blazer or Royal Blue Fleece will be worn, with the other formal wear chosen, when Umpiring or Marking the Final of any competition.


3. The Blazer or Fleece may only bear an Umpires or Markers Badge, Name lapel badge and any EBUF ‘Badge of Office’.


4. Umbrellas are not permitted on the green whilst Umpiring or Marking.




1. As for Inter County Matches and County Finals EXCEPT that if a White or Cream shirt with collar and sleeves is worn an EBUF tie must also be worn.


2. A Royal Blue Blazer or Royal Blue Fleece will be worn, with the other formal wear chosen, when Umpiring or Marking the Final of any competition.


3. The Blazer or Fleece may only bear an Umpires or Markers Badge, Name lapel badge and any EBUF ‘Badge of Office’.



Umbrellas are not permitted on the green whilst Umpiring or Marking.


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