- Details
Coronavirus related news.
In chronological order, the most recent is at the top.
From | Mainly about | Other topics | ||
20 | 15 Jun 21 | Dave Woods | Return to Play – 1 month suspension | Adams / Newton |
19 | 14 May 21 | Dave Woods | Return to Play – “May17” version | Track & Trace expanded |
18 | 11 May 21 | Dave Woods | Superceded by “19” | |
17 | 14 Apr 21 | Dave Woods | Return to Play – Revised version | |
16 | 13 Apr 21 | Dave Woods | Inter-County Comps 2021 | Skegness |
15 | 26 Mar 21 | Dave Woods | Return to Play | Inter County KO? |
14 | 9 Mar 21 | Dave Woods | Further details | Re-opening of bowls |
13 | 1 Mar 21 | Barbara Rushbrook | Skegness Dinner 2021 | Cancelled, for this year |
12 | 25 Feb 21 | Dave Woods | Outdoor 2021 | Good news . . . |
11 | 28 Jan 21 | Dave Woods | 2021 | NEC/NDC; Indoor & Outdoor finals; Potters; AGM 2020 |
10 | 28 Jul 20 | Dave Woods | AGM postponed | Other meetings; Indoor & Outdoor comps |
9 | 29 Jun 20 | Dave Woods | EBF Statement: | Newark 2020; DurCent; Meetings; Ann Rtns; Potters |
8 | 2 Jun 20 | Dave Woods | EBF Statement: | Relaxation of lockdown measures |
7 | 14 May 20 | Dave Woods | EBF Statement: | opening greens – UPDATE. |
6 | 13 May 20 | Dave Woods | EBF Statement: | opening up of greens |
5 | 9 May 20 | Dave Woods | Grants | Sport England, Councils ++ |
4 | 19 Mar 20 | Barbara Rushbrook | Skegness Dinner | |
3 | 18 Mar 20 | Dave Woods | Outdoor season | Reg Jackson 2020 |
2 | 16 Mar 20 | Dave Woods | Newark | Outdoor: pending |
1 | 16 Mar 20 | Dave Woods | Newark: pending |
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20) 15Jun21 - Return to play Guidance - effective from 21Jun21
Dave Woods (EBF Secretary) has today sent the this update to all National and County officials.
The effect of the one month suspension of "opening up" upon "Return to Play Guidance" follows Dave's message.
I have been asked a few times today what is happening to the Adams and Newton competitions. I have now attached an update of what we can or can not do. Most of the update is a continuation of May 17th.
Latest Update on the Governments Roadmap Delay
Following yesterday’s government update for the corona virus restrictions, we now know that the restrictions will remain in place for at least a further 4 weeks. However it is still our intention of going ahead with the National Finals, we understand the ongoing uncertainty but all Counties should go ahead in arranging their own finals to enable the winners to go to Skegness
The Adams and Newton games will be allowed to go ahead but all of the guidelines issued on the 17th May must be followed.
The Durham Centenary has been going on for a few weeks now and the Adams and Newton should be run on a similar basis subject to compliant with the government guidelines.
Changing rooms can be opened, but participants should be encouraged to avoid or minimise use where possible. Participants should socially distance whilst in changing rooms. Subject to available space, more than one household can use changing facilities at one time but they must not mix and must adhere to capacity limits set by the club. Face coverings should be worn at all times when indoors. Use of these areas for essential activity, such as provision of first aid or access to toilet facilities can also open
Clubhouses and facilities that serve food and drink can open. Both indoor and outdoor hospitality will be permitted. People using clubhouses and hospitality facilities must adhere to legal gathering limits and government guidance for hospitality.
An example: Social Interaction before and after play can only take place in separate and distinct groups of 30 outdoors and 6 indoors. So long as you follow the government guidelines this means inside you can have tables of 6 following the 2 metres rule, the same as pubs etc. Masks must be worn.
I also have 10 vacancies for the Reg. Jackson, if anyone wants to enter please contact Dave Woods as soon as possible it will be the first 10 entrants that will be able to enter.
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19) 11May21 - Return to play Guidance - effective from 17May21
Dave Woods (EBF Secretary) has today sent the this update to all National and County officials.
The new "Return to Play Guidance" document follows Dave's message.
Hope you are all well and keeping safe. I have attached the latest update from the government for the continuation of Lawn Bowls, this takes effect from Monday 17th May.
Hopefully, if the vaccinations continue at this speed and the virus is kept at bay, we will be able to open as normal from the 21st June.
Kind Regards
English Bowling Federation (EBF)
Return to Play (RTP) Guidance
Update 3, Issued: 11th May 2021
As per the government roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions, further restrictions have now been lifted. From the 17th May 2021 providing the affiliated Counties, Clubs and members follow this guidance to return to play safely.
This RTP guidance should be used in conjunction with the latest government guidance and may change to reflect any changes made by the UK government.
This guidance is effective from midnight, Monday 17th May 2021 and replaced all other guidance issued by the EBF.
This guidance falls under the classification of organised sport in accordance with the issued Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) guidance and covers:
· National Competitions & Championships (including qualifying stages)
· All matches, competitions and leagues involving affiliated Club and Counties
· Inter affiliated club matches
· Internal affiliated club events or organised sessions for club members
· Coaching by an approved coach
· Education courses (outdoor) working to a prescribed syllabus
· Matches between affiliated Counties
For the avoidance of doubt any activity that is not listed above falls outside of the scope of the organised sport category and falls into the informal activity category where different rules apply. This includes casual play such as ‘roll-ups’.
The government have given an exemption for organised sport regarding the numbers of people that can mix and the relevant organising body (club, county, league or governing body) must consider the risks and set out ways to mitigate them so people can participate safely in accordance with this guidance. Informal or self-organised sport is not covered by any exemptions.
From Monday 17th May the following applies:
If activity applies within Organised Sport category above:
We can now confirm that all restrictions on formats and numbers for organised activity under the jurisdiction of English Bowling Federation will be removed. It is now permissible for clubs to use all rinks at any one time.
Social Interaction before and after play can only take place in separate and distinct groups consisting of up to 30 people. We recognise that each club is different and may wish to set its own limit for numbers of people off the green at any one time.
It is hoped that from Monday 21 June we would expect all restrictions to be lifted. The guidance to affiliated clubs will be updated once the government has confirmed the country is moving to Step 4.
Equipment: Where possible players should try to avoid using shared equipment; Players are advised to have their own mat/jack during any session. If you are sharing equipment, for example jacks/mats you should then sanitise your hands prior to and after touching the equipment. Players must use their own measures. The following items can be utilised during any session: Mats, Bowls, Jacks, Bowls Gatherers, Rink markers, Gloves, Scorecards, and Scoreboards if possible these should be retained by one person.
Hygiene & Health. Everyone should sanitise their hands before and after the game and at regular intervals during the game especially if you have to touch communal surfaces or equipment. Handshakes should not happen at any time. Once you are home, remember to wash your hands thoroughly.
If you or anyone living in the same household as you are showing any COVID-19 symptoms, or you or any of your household are self-isolating, you should stay at home and not play bowls until you are permitted to leave you house under the current quarantine guidance issued by the government.
Hospitality. Clubhouses and facilities that serve food and drink can open. In Step 3, both indoor and outdoor hospitality will be permitted. People using clubhouses and hospitality facilities must adhere to legal gathering limits and wider government guidance for hospitality.
Track and TraceIf possible clubs should display an NHS QR code that members and guests can scan using a mobile device. This will help people to be traced if there is a spread of coronavirus.If clubs are unable to display the NHS code, will you all ensure that you maintain a separate log including contact details so that contact tracers can get in touch with people if required.To support NHS Test and Trace, all clubs must hold records for 21 days of any person attending their green. This reflects the incubation period for coronavirus, which can be up to 14 days, and an additional seven days to allow time for testing and tracing. If someone has been on the green and proves positive for Coronavirus, could they please contact the club as soon as possible when getting the result.
Changing, Toilets, Clubhouse’s. Changing rooms can be opened, but participants should be encouraged to avoid or minimise use where possible. Participants should socially distance whilst in changing rooms. Subject to available space, more than one household can use changing facilities at one time but they must not mix and must adhere to capacity limits set by the club. Face coverings should be worn at all times when indoors. Toilet facilities can also open
Cleaning protocols should be put in place to limit COVID-19 transmission in public places. Touch points (e.g. handrails and gates) should be particular areas of focus for increased cleaning.
Spectators. Spectators for all outdoor bowls are permitted at Step 3, but need to adhere to social distancing rules and social gathering limits (groups of 30 outdoors).
Travel. Travel can take place for the purpose of sport and physical activity. Car sharing will now be permitted.
Vaccines. You do not need to be vaccinated to particate in bowls and clubs should not stop anyone who has not been vaccinated from playing.
Risk Assessments. All clubs should carry out a risk assessment prior to retuning to play. It is advised that clubs have a session booking system and include suitable gaps between each session to ensure maximum group limits aren’t exceeded.
Club and other meetings. Up to 30 people are permitted to meet outdoors from Monday 17th May. Should you wish to meet indoors you must stick to the rules on social gathering, of six people (the ‘rule of six’) or two households. Sport specific guidance on organising virtual meetings, including Committee Meetings and AGMs, is available from Sport England Club Matters.
This guidance will be updated at each stage of the Roadmap to reflect changes as approved by the government.
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17) 14Apr21 - Return to play Guidance - revised version
Dave Woods (EBF Secretary) has today sent the this update to all National and County officials.
The new "Return to Play Guidance" document follows Dave's message.
Please (see below) the revised RTP guidance for the E.B.F.
English Bowling Federation (EBF)
Return to Play (RTP) Guidance
Update 2, Issued: 12th April 2021
As per the announced government roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions organised outdoor sport can re-commence from Monday 29th March 2021 providing the affiliated Counties, Clubs and members follow this guidance to return to play safely.
This RTP guidance should be used in conjunction with the latest government guidance and may change to reflect any changes made by the UK government.
This guidance is effective from midnight, Monday 12th April 2021 and replaced all other guidance issued by the EBF.
This guidance falls under the classification of organised sport in accordance with the issued Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) guidance and covers:
· National Competitions & Championships (including qualifying stages)
· All matches, competitions and leagues involving affiliated Club and Counties
· Inter affiliated club matches
· Internal affiliated club events or organised sessions for club members
· Coaching by an approved coach
· Education courses (outdoor) working to a prescribed syllabus
· Matches between affiliated Counties
For the avoidance of doubt any activity that is not listed above falls outside of the scope of the organised sport category and falls into the informal activity category where different rules apply. This includes casual play such as ‘roll-ups’.
The government have given an exemption for organised sport regarding the numbers of people that can mix and the relevant organising body (club, county, league or governing body) must consider the risks and set out ways to mitigate them so people can participate safely in accordance with this guidance. Informal or self-organised sport is not covered by any exemptions.
From Monday 12th April the following applies:
If activity applies within Organised Sport category above:
· Singles. The use of marker is permitted.
· Pairs
· Triples*
· Fours*
Any combination of formats may be played under the ‘organised sport’ exemption. Players must follow social gathering limits before and after the activity.
The maximum number of participants on a six-rink outdoor green for ‘organised’ or informal activity at any one time should not exceed 24. Clubs with less or additional rink capacity may amend figures accordingly (average four people per rink) so long as they deem it to be safe.
Social interaction before and after play should only take place in separate and distinct groups consisting of up to six people or two households.
If activity falls with the Informal Activity category, and will need to follow the guidance on outdoor legal gathering limits as this is considered to be informal or self-organised sport. This includes any casual play (for example ‘roll-ups’) and any activity involving clubs, leagues or associations not affiliated to the English Bowling Federation.
Equipment You should use your own equipment and only you should handle your equipment. Where shared items such as jacks and mats are used you should sanitise your hands prior and after touching the equipment. Scorecards should be retained by one person during a game.
Any other equipment should be used by one person only during a game where possible. If this is not possible hands should be sanitised prior to and after using the equipment.
Hygiene & Health Everyone should sanitise their hands before and after the game and at regular intervals during the game. Handshakes are not permitted at any time.
If you or anyone living in the same household as you are showing any COVID-19 symptoms, or you or any of your household are self-isolating, you should stay at home and not play bowls until you are permitted to leave you house under the current quarantine guidance issued by the government.
Track and Trace All clubs are required to keep records of who has played each day and with whom for a period of 21 days to support NHS Track and Trace. It is recommended that the club display an NHS QR code so that participants can scan using a mobile device. (What if people don’t have smart phones and should it be mentioned here about booking systems?)
Changing, Toilets, Clubhouse’s Changing rooms can be opened, but participants should be encouraged to avoid or minimise use where possible. Participants should socially distance whilst in changing rooms. Subject to available space, more than one household can use changing facilities at one time but they must not mix and must adhere to capacity limits set by the club.
Cleaning protocols should be put in place to limit COVID-19 transmission in public places. Touch points (e.g. handrails and gates) should be particular areas of focus for increased cleaning. Outdoor hospitality can open in accordance with the government guidance on hospitality settings
Spectators Spectators are not permitted in any outdoor bowls club, except on public land. When on public land, spectators should adhere to gathering limits in groups of six, or two households. Public land includes:
o parks, beaches, countryside accessible to the public, forests
o public gardens (whether or not you pay to enter them)
o the grounds of a heritage site
o playgrounds
This restriction on spectators doesn't apply for people with disabilities, or adults needed to supervise under-18s in a safeguarding role. Where it's necessary for them to be present, supervising adults shouldn't mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.
Travel Travel should be minimised but can take place for the purpose of sport and physical activity. Car sharing, however, isn't permitted.
Vaccines You do not need to be vaccinated to particate in bowls and clubs should not ban stop anyone who has not been vaccinated from playing.
Risk Assessments All clubs should carry out a risk assessment prior to retuning to play. It is advised that clubs have a session booking system and include suitable gaps between each session to ensure maximum group limits aren’t exceeded.
This guidance will be updated at each stage of the Roadmap to reflect changes as approved by the government.
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16) 13Apr21 - Bowls in 2021
Dave Woods (EBF Secretary) has today sent the this update to all County officials.
Good Morning All,
Hope you are all well and keeping safe.After discussion with the Finance committee and the N.E.C. the following has been agreed for this coming season.Having now received replies back from the majority of the Counties, these are the agreements we have arrived at.1. Donald Steward and Silver Vase, Beryl will write to all the Ladies' Secretaries informing them there will be no games this year.2. Durham Centenary. I have put the first-round dates back until June 6th as no games can take place until after May 17th. The Counties I have spoken to all agree that they want the D.C.T. to take place. We would see no problem with this.3. Under 25s, I have had various replies from Counties some wanting to play others worrying about the travel with parents and grandparents having to take the players to games. It will be almost certain that no one would have been vaccinated. Also from the 17th May, only 30 people are allowed on the grounds and some teams in the South have 2 teams.We have now agreed that we cancel the under 25s for this year as if we leave until after June 21st they will clash with the Adams/Newton and their own County Finals. Please be assured that this decision has not been taken lightly, but the players’ well-being and safety have always been at the forefront of our minds throughout our discussions, due to question marks over a number of things, travel arrangements, vaccinations, and clubs being Covid secure to name just a few, were a concern to us4. The Adams and Newton We have had more firm responses that teams want to play although this will not be allowed until 26th June.We have 3 Counties in the North and 5 in the South wishing to play this would mean 2 Counties in the North playing 2 Games and the other County just playing 1 game.In the South, 2 Counties would play 3 games and the other 3 would play 2 games each.To keep within the covid guidelines we have agreed that whoever is drawn at home would play the Adams, with the Newton playing the same County away on the same day. I have put an example below, so it is easier to follow:The draw will be made for the first 2 rounds, then when we know who is in the final of both comps we will draw for the home side.I have given you a demonstration below:South:Adams Home Newton AwayA v B B v A First Round Saturday 26th JunC v D D v C Second RoundE v A or B A or B v E Second RoundFinal to be arranged after the 2nd round.NorthAdams Home Newton AwayA v B B v A First Round Saturday 26th JuneC v A or B A or B v C Second Round
5. All team games will be played on the Saturday Afternoon, with the Reg Jackson if we get a full amount of teams, playing all day Sunday and Monday morning. We would then start with the rinks on Monday Afternoon, giving us more time during the week6. Before drawing the Reg Jackson I will write to all 108 teams to see if they are still willing to play, depending on the replies we might have to look at a shorter version, to the one that we normally play.Will all the eight teams in the Adams/Newton please confirm that they will be playing and in both competitions. When all the Counties have confirmed we will do the draw.RegardsDave
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15) 24Mar21 - Return to play Guidance; Inter-County KO competitions ?
Dave Woods (EBF Secretary) has today sent the this update to all National and County officials.
The "Return to Play Guidance" document follows Dave's message.
With this in mind, we feel it would be impossible to play all the County games prior to the winners going to Skegness in August.
From my previous email and the responses received the majority of the men's counties said they would like some sort of County fixtures to take place if possible.
We have decided to write out to all the Counties Men's and Ladies to see if they would like us to arrange a knock-out tournament for this year only.
It would mean you would have to play a maximum of three games to qualify for Skegness, anyone not wishing to enter will not be held against them. The games will be held over a five-week period before the end of July. The draw will take place as soon as possible once we know the number of Counties wishing to play.
Please note all the above depends on the Government road map of the opening up from the 21st June.
English Bowling Federation (EBF)
Return to Play (RTP) Guidance
Issued: 26th March 2021
As per the announced government roadmap for the easing of lockdown restrictions organised outdoor sport can re-commence from Monday 29th March 2021 providing the affiliated Counties, Clubs and members follow this guidance to return to play safely.
This RTP guidance should be used in conjunction with the latest government guidance and may change to reflect any changes made by the UK government.
This guidance is effective from midnight, Monday 29th March 2021 and replaced all other guidance issued by the EBF.
This guidance falls under the classification of organised sport in accordance with the issued Department for Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) guidance and covers:
National Competitions & Championships (including qualifying stages)
All matches, competitions and leagues involving affiliated Club and Counties
Inter affiliated club matches
Internal affiliated club events or organised sessions for club members
Coaching by an approved coach
Education courses (outdoor) working to a prescribed syllabus
For the avoidance of doubt any activity that is not listed above falls outside of the scope of the organised sport category and falls into the informal activity category where different rules apply. This includes casual play such as ‘roll-ups’.
The government have given an exemption for organised sport regarding the numbers of people that can mix and play at one time, whereas with informal sport the rule of 6 or the mixing of two households strictly applies.
From Monday 29th March the following applies:
If activity applies within Organised Sport category above:
Singles. The use of marker is permitted.
* - When playing triples or fours there must be a rink free between each match to allow for social distancing.
Any combination of formats may be played, however there should be no more than six people per rink on the green at any one time.
If activity falls with the Informal Activity category, then the ‘rule of six’ OR two households mixing only apply. For the avoidance of doubt, only singles, pairs and triples play are permitted to be played informally e.g. for a roll-up.
You should use your own equipment and only you should handle your equipment. Where shared items such as jacks and mats are used you should sanitise your hands prior and after touching the equipment. Scorecards should be retained by one person during a game.
Any other equipment should be used by one person only during a game where possible. If this is not possible hands should be sanitised prior to and after using the equipment.
Hygiene & Health
Everyone should sanitise their hands prior to before and after the game and at regular intervals during the game. Handshakes are not permitted at any time.
If you or anyone living in the same household as you are showing any COVID-19 symptoms, or you or any of your household are self-isolating, you should stay at home and not playing bowls until you either are allowed to are permitted to leave you house under the current quarantine guidance issued by the government.
Track and Trace
All clubs are required to keep records of who has played each day and with whom for a period of 21 days to support NHS Track and Trace. It is recommended that the club display an NHS QR code so that participants can scan using a mobile device. (What if people don’t have smart phones and should it be mentioned here about booking systems?)
Changing, Toilets, Clubhouse’s
Currently changing rooms are to be remained closed. Toilets are permitted to be open as is hand washing facilities in line with COVID-19 safe guidelines e.g. One-way systems, limited numbers and social distancing. Everyone should come changed ready to play. Changing facilities can only be used in the an emergency situations or by disabled people who are taking part in organised sport and physical activity. Additional exceptions must be made for essential activity such as the provision of first aid or to essential equipment for games.
Cleaning protocols should be put in place to limit COVID-19 transmission in public places. Touch points (e.g. handrails and gates) should be particular areas of focus for increased cleaning.
Currently spectators are not permitted apart from carers for disabled people, or adults needed to supervise under 18’s in a safeguarding role. Where this is necessary adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.
You may travel to participate in bowls. It is advised that you should remain local and avoid any unnecessary travel. Car sharing Is currently not permitted with someone outside your household or your support bubble.
You do not need to be vaccinated to particate in bowls and clubs should not ban stop anyone who has not been vaccinated from playing.
Risk Assessments
All clubs should carry out a risk assessment prior to retuning to play. It is advised that clubs have a session booking system and include suitable gaps between each session to ensure maximum group limits aren’t exceeded.
This guidance will be updated at each stage of the Roadmap to reflect changes as approved by the government.
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14) 09Mar21 - Latest Update on re-opening of E.B.F. Bowls Clubs.
Here is the latest information about returning to Bowls. However, you will see from the document that the Government will be putting out more details during the week commencing 21st March.
I have been asked many questions regarding the re-opening of Bowls Clubs, mainly if there will be any additional Government advice with regard to the use of clubhouses and hospitality pre May 17th and before June 21st; travelling to matches, social distancing before and after May 17th and the wearing of face masks?
With this in mind, I have been speaking to the Bowls Development Alliance about the re-opening of Bowls.
They are in contact with the Government’s Department of Culture, Media and Sport and have confirmed that the government will be updating the policy of what is required by our Bowls clubs, week commencing the 21st March.
It is expected that certain conditions will have to be met before and during the season, this may be in line with what they laid down for the 2020 season, although at this stage it is only speculation and we will have to wait until the week beginning the 21st March to find out the full details of what is required.
As stated previously formally organised sport can take place from 29th March but this will be restricted by the rule of 6 until the 17th May from then onwards 30 people will be able to congregate together meaning that all local league matches and County championships should be able play. I will contact everyone as soon as I have the information from the Bowls Development Alliance, although hopefully we will be able to commence this season there will still be restrictions in place.
County Matches
Thank you for all your replies regarding playing team events this coming year.
We have had responses from the majority of Counties regarding the playing of County team games this year, 91% of ladies have asked us to cancel all the games this year. The men were slightly less with 71% asking for the games to be cancelled.
We have had the following suggestions from some of the men’s counties i.e. playing home and away, waiting until June 21st then playing every week from then onwards. The final suggestion is to play it as a knockout competition over 2 weekends.
A decision on all County games including the under 25s will be made following the Government’s announcement week commencing 21st March on the guidance on what we will be able to do, i.e. travelling, social distancing, wearing of face masks etc.
Kind Regards
Dave Woods
E.B.F. National Secretary
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13) 01Mar21 - Skegness Dinner 2021.
Could you please let your members know.
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12) 25Feb21 - Statement: Outdoor Season 2021.
Latest Corona virus Update
Good news for our sport this summer as it looks like we will have an outdoor season after all!
Following the Government's decision to start a road map for the easing of lockdown restrictions this will enable the English Bowling Federation, Counties, and Affiliated clubs to prepare with confidence for the 2021 season. The announcement by the Prime Minister confirms that outdoor affiliated bowls clubs will be able to open from 29 March.
I have spoken with the Bowls Development Alliance and they confirm that formally organised sport can take place from 29th March but this will be restricted by the rule of 6 until the 17th May.
In short, as long as each rink adheres to the rule of 6 and you have the right social distancing measures in place between rinks (which means you can’t play on all rinks at the same time) then you can arrange your competitions accordingly.
Then from 19th May, these increase to 30 people so full league matches can then be arranged. From 21st June hopefully all restrictions will be removed.
With most of the restrictions being gradually released and hopefully by the 21st June all should be clear, we are planning on going ahead with all of our County Championships culminating in the winners qualifying for Skegness in August. (Would all the Counties who have not sent their outdoor figures to me, send them as soon as they are available)
I am waiting for all the Counties to reply to me regarding the Adams/Newton/Donald Steward and Silver Vase games before a decision will be made whether to cancel or not.
Also the Durham Centenary and Under 25s could be played as the number of players involved would be under 30 after the 17th May. No games should be played before the 17th as the rule of 6 would apply.
The only other game we play at Skegness is the Reg. Jackson, we see no problem with this going ahead if all restrictions have been lifted by the 21st of June.
Any further news coming out of the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, or the Bowls Development Alliance will be passed on to all the Counties.
Dave Woods National Secretary English Bowling Federation.
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11) 28Jan21 - Statement: NEC/NDC; Indoor & Outdoor finals; Potters; AGM 2020.
Dave Woods (EBF Secretary) this evening sent the following update to all National and County officials.
Good Evening All,
I hope we are all well and keeping safe.
We have cancelled the NEC and NDC Meetings due on 14th March, but hope these can take place in the future when we know more about the government's decisions.
The Indoor Finals set to start on April 19th have again been postponed, the problem we have is not knowing when the Indoor will open again and we still have 5 Counties to play their finals.
Next year's finals in April will be held Tuesday 19th April until Sunday 24th April. With the Eversley being played on Sunday 3rd April, owing to the Monday of our finals week being a bank holiday.
Outdoor we would see it going ahead as planned unless we hear of Lockdowns or Tiers in place after May. The outdoor fixtures and forms for the County competitions have all gone out.
Potters this year has now been cancelled. This has just been agreed with Potters ( other groups will be told tomorrow ). The dates for 2022 are Monday 28th February to Friday 4th March.
We will not be holding last year's A.G.M. and will go ahead with this year's as planned in November. In the meantime, if anyone has any questions please let me know.
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10) 28July20 - Statement: AGM postponed; other meetings; Indoor & outdoor comps.
Dave Woods (EBF Secretary) has today sent the following update to all National and County officials.
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9) 29Jun20 - Statement: Newark cancelled; Durham Cent moved; Autumn meetings; Potters.
Latest Update on E.B.F. Matters.
Following the Prime Minister’s statement last week and after speaking with the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, we are now advised that unfortunately Indoor Bowls Clubs will remain closed for the foreseeable future.
With the indoors closed until at least August and when they do open there will be many restrictions including social distancing, we have decided to postpone the Indoor National Championships that were due to be held in September at Newark.
The finals hopefully, will now be played Monday 19th to Sunday 25th April 2021. This means that no finals either indoor or outdoor will be played in 2020.
For the Indoor it is intended that anyone qualifying for the 2020 finals will automatically be put forward to play in April 2021 finals, including the Derbyshire Trophy. We still have around 7 Counties still to play their County Finals; these should be able to take place before the end of this year, giving us time to decide the format for Newark 2021.
Outdoor: The Durham Centenary for 2021 will be for the clubs who have already qualified and the draw will remain the same. County matches have been moved a year from 2020 to 2021.
At this time we are not sure whether we will be able to hold the National meetings in October or the A.G.M. in November. We will keep you informed as and when we receive the information from the government. In case the A.G.M. goes ahead can I remind you all, that the closing date for motions is September 21st.
Regarding the ANNUAL RETURN of CLUB MEMBERS as at 31st AUGUST 2020. I will not be sending this out this year, as we will work on the forms sent last year. There will be no affiliation fees due this year as all clubs are now up to date with payments. If any County has clubs dropping out or new clubs coming in please let me have the details, also if there are any changes to County Officials.
We will not be producing a yearbook this year, basically because we have no new details to put in. If the A.G.M. goes ahead and there are changes we need to make, I will inform all the County Secretaries. With the National and I know at least some of the counties (if not all) their Presidents for 2020 have been extended to cover 2021.
Potters at the moment will be going ahead as planned from Monday 1st March to Friday 5th March 2021.
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8) 2Jun20 - Statement: Further relaxation of lockdown restrictions on bowling.
Covering letter, sent to National and County officials, is followed by it's attachment.
Further updates on playing Bowls received from the Government. Following on from the Government opening more measures.
The Government guidance now allows clubs to consider alternative formats with reduced numbers per rink – for example singles and pairs – in order for social distancing to be more easily maintained. Rinks of 3 would be allowed but you must have procedures in place to maintain social distancing.
Clubs may wish to allow spectators, however their attendance must be in line with Government guidelines on social distancing and the ability of the club to accommodate the additional numbers
Bowls clubs will need to communicate clearly and regularly with members and participants setting out what they are doing to manage risk, and what advice they are giving to individuals to do likewise.
Ideally clubs should publish an action plan detailing their plans to re-open safely and the steps they are taking to avoid confusion.
Clubs should also communicate clearly opening times and how people can safely access a facility, if relevant, for example through a booking or queuing system.
It is more important than ever to consider inclusive guidance for people who need support to be active and organisations should consider this as part of their work to encourage people to return.
The government is clear that sports participation should be restricted to participants exercising by themselves, with members from their same household, or in a group of no more than 5 other people from other households, while observing social distancing guidelines. The police have been given powers to enforce these measures.
To help everyone maintain good hygiene, consideration should be given to:
Using signs and posters to build awareness of good handwashing technique, the need to increase handwashing frequency, avoid touching your face and to cough or sneeze into your arm. Consider how to ensure safety messages reach those with hearing or vision impairments
Providing regular reminders and signage to maintain hygiene standards
Providing hand sanitiser in multiple locations in addition to washrooms
Setting clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets to ensure they are kept clean and social distancing is achieved
Enhancing cleaning for busy areas
Providing more waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection
Using disposable paper towels in handwashing facilities.
Minimising use of portable toilets
Provision of automated hand sanitising dispensers in public places.
Public Health England has advised maintaining 2 metres (6ft) to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus.
Club Houses should still remain closed.
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7) 14May20 - Statement: Opening up of greens - UPDATE.
I have had numerous emails and phone calls asking about the opening of greens, as I have been explaining to everyone it is up to your club if you have private facilities or your local council if its a public green when and if to open.
Further to my document yesterday, I have put together a further update from the government for which we must attain to when opening private or public greens.
Timetable for re-opening
Bowls facilities are now allowed to open.
Each venue, including council-owned sports facilities, will make their own decisions about when their facilities are ready to open and can be operated safely. Please check ahead on websites and social media to make sure before you arrive at a facility that it has reopened and what advice they are offering users, for example if there is a booking system.
You can play lawn bowls where facilities have reopened, but you can only take part in these activities by yourself, or with members of your household or with 1 person outside of your household, as long as you are able to maintain social distancing.
Changing rooms
Indoor facilities, apart from toilets and through-ways should be kept closed.
Maintaining hygiene, through handwashing, sanitisation facilities and toilets
To help everyone maintain good hygiene, consideration should be given to:
· Using signs and posters to build awareness of good hand washing technique, the need to increase hand washing frequency, avoid touching your face and to cough or sneeze into your arm
· Providing regular reminders and signage to maintain hygiene standards
· Providing hand sanitiser in multiple locations in addition to washrooms
· Setting clear use and cleaning guidance for toilets to ensure they are kept clean and social distancing is achieved as much as possible
· Enhancing cleaning for busy areas
· Providing more waste facilities and more frequent rubbish collection
· Replacing hand dryers with paper towels in handwashing facilities
· Minimising use of portable toilets
· Sufficient provision of automated hand sanitising dispensers in public places
Sharing Equipment:
Equipment can be shared, but you should enforce strong hygiene measures. This might be cleaning it rigorously in line with wider guidance on hygiene, for example by using antibacterial spray and washing hands thoroughly before and after use.
Communicating clearly and consistently. All Bowls clubs will need to communicate clearly and regularly with members and participants setting out what they are doing to manage risk, and what advice they are giving to individuals to do likewise.
Bowls clubs should also communicate clearly opening times and how people can safely access a facility, if relevant, for example through a booking or queuing system.
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6) 13May20 - Statement: Opening up of greens.
E.B.F. update on Outdoor Bowling.
Following Boris Johnson’s announcement on Sunday:
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (D.C.M.S) have now released instructions on when Bowling Clubs may re-open. Bowling green’s can now re-open from today Wednesday 13th May, You should only partake in such activities alone, with members of your household, or with one other person from outside your household, while practising social distancing. Competitions and competitive bowling will not be allowed at the present time. Clubhouses should remain closed and you should take particular care if you need to use any inside facilities. (E.g. Toilets).
Clubs should take all the necessary steps in order to facilitate their Club re-opening; some players are clearly keen to get back on the greens. It will be for individuals and Clubs to determine when they are ready to start bowling again. Inside facilities such as toilets should be cleaned more frequently, paying close attention to high-contact objects e.g. door handles. Employers should provide hand washing facilities or hand sanitisers at entry and exit points and on the greens.
Equipment must be placed outside for members to use and cleaned with sanitisers and disinfectants. There will be no facilities for changing.
The following instructions should be followed.
1. If you are showing corona virus symptoms, or if you or any of your household are self-isolating, you should stay at home –and not play bowls, this is critical to staying safe and saving lives.
2. At all times, you should continue to observe social distancing guidelines when on Club Premises, including ensuring you are 2 metres away from anyone outside your household.
3. People will only be able to use these facilities, either by themselves, with people from their own household or with one other person who stays in another household.
4. Only singles games can be played unless all persons are from the same household.
5. The advice for those aged 70 and over continues to be that they should take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their household. If bowling they should be careful to maintain distance from others unfortunately, we know that as you get older, there is a higher risk of corona virus having a more serious impact with infection. Complications and deaths are more common in the elderly, even those without pre-existing conditions.
Dave Woods
E.B.F. National Secretary.
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5) 9May20 - Grants & Funding for clubs - options
Bowls clubs across England have secured almost £400,000 cash from Sport England’s Community Emergency Fund in just four weeks. “Clubs can also apply for the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant (RHLG) available through their local Council and we strongly advise all affiliated Clubs to look into this further.”
To date, more than £8 million has been awarded in total by Sport England from the Community Emergency Fund, which was set up to help groups through immediate financial hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The fund has been developed to help community sport and physical activity organisations meet their obligations, in particular fixed costs, which are no longer supported with revenue as a result of coronavirus.
To find out more about the Sport England Community Emergency Fund and to submit an application go to: https://www.sportengland.org/how-we-can-help/our-funds/community-emergency-fund
It has been brought to my attention that certain grants may be available to some if not all our clubs. I would strongly recommend that all clubs look at the options available.
Thanks to Stuart Walsh from Suffolk for providing this information.
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4) 19Mar20 - Skegness Dinner
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3) 18Mar20 6:00pm
Today, National Secretary Dave Woods has sent an email to National and County officials. The text of the email follows and then a more detailed statement about the basic consequences.
Following the statement there is further information about the Reg Jackson 2020.
"Good Afternoon All, with all the uncertainty of the coronavirus and the decision made by Bowls England, we have now decided to make a statement on behalf of the Federation. It has now been decided that we have to cancel the outdoor championships for 2020".
E.B.F. Season 2020. Corona virus Statement.
The English Bowling Federation has today announced the cancellation of all County games and Competitions for the 2020 season.
The Durham Centenary competition will be carried forward to 2021.
To be able to achieve the National Finals at Skegness, Counties would have to start playing their competitions in early May, but with advice coming from the Government it looks impossible for games to start that early.
We have been inundated with calls and emails from bowlers, who have concerns about playing with the Corona virus doing its rounds.
It is hoped that our members will continue to support their County and clubs and be ready to play when we are given the all clear to resume.
Although we will not be playing the 2020 National Outdoor Championships it is hoped that we will still be able to play the Indoor National finals at Newark in September.
With all the uncertainty we have also decided to cancel the Reg.Jackson tournament, anyone with an entry will be carried forward to the 2021 competition.
We are very sorry we have had to take this stance, but the health and safety of our members is more important than the game of bowls.
Anyone requiring further information, please feel free to contact the National Secretary by email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
With regard to the Reg Jackson Tournament 2020 . . . . . . unless a refund is requested your entry will be transferred to the 2021 competition. Anyone on the reserve list will get the chance to play if we have any requests for money to be returned.
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2) 16Mar20 8:00pm
Good Evening All,
Following our meeting yesterday and the Governments recommendations this afternoon, we have now agreed with Newark to postpone the Championships in April until later in the year.
I have had calls this afternoon saying various greens in the North have been closed and Counties are unable to play their finals. With all the above in mind I have spoken with the Chairman and agreed that we should postpone the finals now until September providing the virus has been contained by then.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this will cause to people but feel that we have to take action now rather than wait a few weeks.
I have provisionally arranged a new date with Newark for Monday 21st September until Sunday 27th September all being well.
Regarding the Outdoor season no decisions have been reached yet, but we will advise all Counties when we reach the agreement.
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1) 16Mar20 8:30am
Following the Executive meeting yesterday, a message from Dave Woods:-
Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused
Dave Woods
E.B.F. National Secretary
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