Reg Jackson Mixed Triples Tournament 2019 

 Sunday 18th August to Monday 19th August

The four top placed rinks were

1st - Team 12  (+44)       Deller/Minnett/Martell

2nd - Team 77 (+34)     Woodcock/Reed/Green

3rd - Team 92 (+28) Patten/Mash/Pytlakowski

4th - Team 73 (+27)           Dunn/Dunn/Brittan

What follows is firstly a copy of the letter that was sent by National Secretary Dave Woods (on June 6th 2019) to all of those that had entered this years competition. The list of entrants then follows, as at July 28th. The list HAS been changed since June 6th and is subject to further updates before Finals Week commences.
One distinct advantage of these details being on the website is that players will be able to check rules etc using their smartphone, but not whilst on the green!

To all Entrants


It gives me great pleasure to send you details relative to your entry in this year’s Reg Jackson Tournament. If your entry is showing A.N.Other or you have any changes to your rink please let me know as soon as possible. Also anyone requiring players to make up a rink please let me know.


It is realised there will be variations, but the combination, first to play, will constitute the Rink. You may make one replacement if need be.  Any further replacement must be through the Secretary.


ENTRIES:These are at the maximum 108 - Four games are planned for everybody to conclude the Tournament.


SESSIONS: The tournament will start at 9.15am on the Sunday and there will be four sessions on that day. On the Monday there will be eight sessions the first of which will be at 9.15am There will be twelve sessions altogether, SUNDAY and MONDAY but no semi-finals or finals. An explanation setting out the pattern of play is given at the end of this letter. You will need to read this carefully. In the interest of all concerned we ask for your co-operation, not forgetting that the tournament is part of the holiday for many participants.


SCORE CARDS:These will be issued at the first game to cover the whole series of four games. Cards must be sent into the office immediately at the conclusion of each game, and will not be acceptable unless the names of all players are clearly shown. The number allocated to each rink as shown on the Tournament List will be carried throughout the event.


WINNING RINKS:The winning rinks will be the four best overall of the 108 rinks with the greatest aggregate of points in the series arising from - 2 for a win and 1 for a tie. If this fails to produce clear winners, then the best plus margin of shots from those Rinks on the greatest aggregate points will win. Should there still be a tie then the team with the  highest number of shots in the series will come into the reckoning - and that should clinch it.


RULES FOR THE TOURNAMENT: E.B.F. Competition Rules will of course apply except for the following variations:


(a) Each game to be of 12 live ends or 55 minutes - whichever comes first - straight off;


(b) No jack to be cast until given signal;


(c) No jack to be cast after the signal at the end of 55 minutes (an end in progress may be completed);


(d) No player to visit the head during the end;


(e) Skips will examine bowls for stamping. Composition bowls shall have a bias of not less than that of the master bowl and must bear a clearly legible WB/WBB/IBB or BIBC stamp dated 1985 or later. Non composition bowls must bear a clearly legible WB/WBB/IBB or BIBC stamp of a date not earlier than the date of the year in which they are being used; ( See page 54 2019 Yearbook Law IIIparas 2)


(f) One substitute will, in fact, be permitted to cover illness or other cause considered reasonable, but permission must be sought. A substitute will not have played in any other Rink;


(g) Any rink failing to fulfill its obligation will be barred from the Tournament in the following season. If this takes place after the first session, 2 points and 5 shots will be awarded to the opponents;


(h) DRESS -whites for men, although (no crew necks or T shirts) - standard for ladies - hats optional; (County and 

            Club shirts may be worn)  

(iEntries are not county-tied, but each male bowler must be a member of a club affiliated to a county bowling association affiliated to the EBF and each female bowler must be a member of a club affiliated to a county bowling association affiliated to the EWBF: 




Umpires will be in attendance


PRIZES: Winning Rink £225   Runner-up£150     Third  £120     and fourth best Rink £105




There are 108 rinks with 36 rinks playing each session


There will not be any play-offs - the Prize-winning Rinks will be the best four overall. The Sessions will be:-


SUNDAY         Session 1  9.15am(1 - 36)

Session 210.15am(3772)

Session 311.15am(73 - 108)

Session 412.15pmas per card


Thereafter play will continue on Monday in accordance with instructions shown on Score-Cards.


MONDAY   9.15am - 10.15am - 11.15am - 12.15pm - 1.15pm - 2.15pm - 3.15pm - 4.15pm


All rinks will play 4 games each of 12 ends, straight off or 55 minutes whichever comes first.


IMPORTANT Tournament details for Players in each rink are forwarded to the Addressee shown with the entry. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR PARTNERS ARE AWARE OF THE DETAILS


Dave Woods



11, Ludford Close, Long Eaton, NottiinghamNG101PS                                                                                                Tele: 0115-7836508 Mobile:07810-196966   email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


June 2019




         The 2020.Mixed Rink TOURNAMENT will take place on    

                       Sunday 23rd & Monday 24th August 2020.


                         Entry fees will remain at £15 per Rink for four games.


Please note the Prize Money will be increased from 2020


1st prize will be £345 for winning Rink 

2nd  prize will be £225  for the runner-uprink                                                             3rd prize will be £180 and the4th prize will be £150 for fourth best Rink.


One entry form for the 2020 Tournament will be handed out with the score cards at this years Tournament. It will be up to the players concerned in each rink to come to some arrangement for 2020 and it is up to the recipient of this form to ensure that this is done. All players in the Rink have an equal right to be concerned in the entry for 2020


Receipt of entries will cease at 4.00pm on Friday23rd August 2019. All entries after will be sent to the National Secretary.


Particular attention is drawn to the following: -Entries are not county-tied but each male bowler must be a member of a club affiliated to a county bowling association affiliated to the EBF. Likewise, each female bowler must be a member of a club affiliated to a county bowling association affiliated to the EWBF.


CERTIFICATION OF ELIGIBILITY OF ENTRIES - special note - THREE NAMES MUST BE GIVEN - only one of which may be changed without reference to the Secretary.



     Team numbers, as at July 28th, 2019


1 Holmes/A.N Other/RAYSON Hunts 55 Dayes/Dicker/Dicker Humberside
2 Bennett/Bennett/COLE Cambs 56 Shaw/Cook/COOK C'land
3 D.I'ansonMoeliker/LAWTON Durham 57 Murphy/Clarke/Storey Humbs
4 OLDROYD/Brumpton/Parkin Lincs 58 Martinson/Nellist/Clarke Humberside
5 Idle/Douglas/McCord D'ham 59 Fergusson/Fergusson/Townsend N. Cambs
6 Fox /Andrew/ANDREW Cambs 60 Fielding/Fielding/FIELDING N'hants
7 McEwan/Joyce/Joyce N. Cambs 61 Hempsell/King/King Northants
8 Peak/Baldwin/Gould Hunts 62 Lawton/Moeliker/Riches Durham
9 Waldran/Beaumont/Perry Notts 63 Caphill/Caphill /Eaton Derybs
10 Aiken/Gibson/SCORER N'land 64 Tyers/Morris/Tyers Notts
11 Shipley/Marples/Marples Notts 65 Morris/Morris/PORTER Derbys
12 Deller/Bennett/DELLER Hunts 66 Deighton/Marshall/DU'KETT Lincolnshire
13 Clewley/Bramley/Guildford Derbys 67 Moore/Crysal/Siely Norfolk
14 Carson/Carson/FLEMING C'land 68 A.N.Other/A.N.Other/Brace N. Cambs
15 Cockerill/Ward/FLEMING C'land 69 Burrage/Dibbens/BURRAGE Norfolk
16 Verlander/Verlander/Cossey Hunts 70 Sims/Mills/Cullum Suffolk
17 Harris/Woods/Badder Derbyshire 71 Warriner/Wigley/Russell Notts
18 Phillips/Hickey/Dymond Hunts 72 Russon/Clipston/Hare Notts
19 Hutchinson/Coles/Coles Hunts 73 Dunn/Dunn/Brittan Derbys
20 Sayer/Watson/Bunton Norfolk 74 Love/Love/Cave Lincs
21 A.N.Other /Wilby/Cawthorne Norfolk 75 Holroyd/Davis/BAILEY Lincs
22 Readhed/Burke/Horsewood Humbs 76 Francis/Fortune/FRANCIS Hunts
23 Ball/Parnham/PARNHAM Derbys 77 Woodcock/A.N.Other/REED North Cambs.
24 Bell/Humphries/Rice Lincs 78 Austin/Bradshaw/MURFIN Derbs
25 Cole/Cox/ELSTUB Hunts 79 Pheasant/ Ford/Ford Northants
26 Watson/Hewson/HARRIS Humbs 80 Blake/ Gooch/Sadler Norfolk
27 Ashley/Medhurst/Robinson Humbs 81 Gott/Blake/WONES Norfolk
28 A.N.Other/Dalton/Timmins Notts 82 Meeks/Meeks/REEVE Norfolk
29 Barnes/Haddon-Holmes/Sims Humbs/Derbys 83 Peach/Savage/Peach Cambs
30 Sims/Mousley/Galpin Derbyshire 84 Corn/May/CORN North Cambs
31 Stevens/May/Shannon Nrth Cambs 85 Kirkley /Chapman/CHAPMAN Durham
32 Galpin/Archer/ARCHER Derbs 86 Maskell/Pashley/Maskell Notts
33 Dockerill/Brown/Roe Lincs 87 Faircloth/Brooks/Hewitt Norfolk
34 Stevens/Corney/SHARPE Hunts 88 Paterson/Robson/ROBSON Durham
35 Hailes/Hailes/HUMPHREYS North Cambs 89 OWEN/Owen/Ball Derbys
36 Fairbrother/Cousins/Cousins Hunts 90 Murray/Clift/AINSLEY D'ham
37 Smith/Phillips/DYKES Humbs 91 Corney/Beck/DUFFY N'hant
38 Wressell /Robinson /DARGUE Lincs 92 Henderson/Leivers/A.N.Other Derbyshire
39 Waldram/Smart/Morrell Notts 93 Agger/Padley/Flowers N'hants
40 Hardingham/Hardingham/Smith Norfolk 94 Hatch/Whittle/Whittle Humberside
41 Cousins/Baker /WARD Hunts 95 Bowers/Bowers/Bowers Hunts
42 Suffling /Stokes/ Buckley Northants 96 Broadley/Birkin/BROADLEY Notts
43 Paterson/Upsall/UPSALL Durham 97 Bates/Fisher/Sawford N. Cambs
44 Regan/Nicholson/Teal Humbs 98 Collins/Collinsl/Chaplin Derbys
45 Munro/Munro/YELLAND Notts 99 Menzies/Barke/BARKE Derbs
46 Hunter/Hubbard/CARLIN Durham 100 Raine/Richardson/Taylor N. Cambs
47 Adkin/Miller/Tatershall Lincs 101 Markham/Mellar/MARKHAM Notts
48 Hardingham/Hardingham/Gibson Norfolk 102 Sidebottom/Reppetto/Birkin Cleveland
49 Maguire /Croxall/CROXALL Notts 103 Howis/Fewkes/Fewkes Derbys
50 Wright/Bown/Bown Derbyshire 104 Kidd/Simpson/Simpson-Kidd Stockton
51 Schofield/Pleasance/de VERE-PACKFORD Sfflk 105 Osborne/Bass/Bass Northants
52 Lovatt /Eaton/Cooper Derbys 106 Clipston/Clipston/ Taylor Derbyshire
53 Chandler/Carter/Tolliday Cambs 107    
54 Saxby/Saxby/JACKSON Lincs 108 Dayus/Dayus/A.N. Other Notts